Month: March 2024

Rush hour

Those who are deliberate and intentional about spending time in God’s presence always get the best of Him. God is never in a hurry to speak or do anything. Time is in His hands, and He can stop it if He needs to. Time bends to His will, effortlessly. When He beckons, the world halts to listen.

Every other thing can wait when God wants your attention including the deals and favours you are running after. So, learn to be patient in God’s presence. It is patience that unlocks the deepest layers of fellowship and communion. It’s embracing the serene pace of His presence that unlocks the supernatural and the extraordinary.

Haste may be required for His errands, but patience is key for fellowship and communion with God. You can’t hurry God and He has no dealings with people who are in a hurry. His rhythm doesn’t sync with haste. To truly dance in harmony with His plans, one must learn the grace of waiting. For He reserves His finest revelations for those who linger, those who are willing to embrace the unhurried pace of fellowship with God.

Isaiah 49:23 …they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.

No Escape

In Acts 1:6-8, the disciples asked Jesus about the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. They were interested in the timing of restoration of the theocratic government of Israel and freedom from the Roman empire. Jesus took the opportunity to redirect their focus on what was most important – living empowered lives on earth. Rather than looking to the sky waiting for an opportunity of escape, He wanted them to busy themselves with being His witnesses. They were to occupy till He comes.

Dear friend, Jesus is not coming to rescue the church from a dire situation. He is not coming for a desperate set of followers. He is not coming for a church that is at the brink of destruction or extermination. He is coming for a victorious church, with multiple crowns.

When He prayed for the disciples, He prayed for their preservation in the world. He did not pray for an escape door out of the world for the disciples. In the midst of the corruption and decay in the world, maybe the easier thing to do would be for God to take us out of the world but He says, hey, I ain’t taking you out. I will keep you through. He says, I will be with you through the fire and through the flood. The perfection of the church and the Christian is through the flood and through the fire, through trials. The church proves itself by what it overcomes (Acts 14:21-22). The only way I can prove my car is good for off road trips is to get on the dirt tracks, mountainous roads, slippery roads.

The church demonstrates its power by its victories on this side of eternity. We earn our crowns by our victories. That’s why we can say we have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony.

Stay strong dear soldier of Christ.

God bless you.

Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash